Glovebox Systems for Batteries

- For sulfide electrode preparation process
- Mixing active materials like lithium sulfide (Li2S), conductive additives, and binders
- Customized glovebox system for mixing process
- Due to the moisture reactivity of lithium sulfide, moisture is removed inside the glovebox.
- Max. temperature: Large rectangular chamber: 200 ℃
- Solvent trap to protect the process activities and equipment by solvents
- Research for Lithium-ion battery
- Providing a research environment for optimizing the composition of anode, cathode, separator, and electrolyte for lithium-ion battery research
- Due to the moisture reactivity of the components of cathode (LiCoO2 , LiFePO4 , and LiNiMnCoO2 ), moisture is removed inside the glovebox.
- Integration with Tube Vacuum Furnace - Max. temperature: 1,000 ℃
- Solvent trap to protect the process activities and equipment by solvents

Large rectangular Vacuum Oven Chamber

Tube Vacuum Furnace